Lorenzo L. Romero's Site
Good evening; hope you had a nice day.

My Web Walk

While I’ve been surfing the web since the mid-2000s, my first website only went online in August of 2015, when I registered ‘lorenzoromero.xyz’.

After several months I installed the Concrete5 CMS and developed a more fleshed-out webpage including links to my works, pictures and videos from my life, and eventually my work experience.  Around this time I switched the domain to lromero.org.

In college I took several web-development courses and ditched Concrete5 in favor of a static webpage I put together myself, but that proved to be a pain to maintain since everything was hard-coded in HTML files.

In late 2017 I began work on one of my own content management systems, which eventually turned into rCMS, a small application written in PHP.  My site, as well as others I maintained, was powered by rCMS until March 29, 2019 when (along with a new domain–lorenzoromero.com) I switched over to my newest content management system, CMS3!